About Us

Cloud Sundial develop and manage the Salesforce app FormulaShare, available on the AppExchange. Our vision is to provide the most comprehensive record sharing solution for the Salesforce platform.

Cloud Sundial is founded by Lawrence Newcombe and Michele Darshad.

About Lawrence
Profile picture

I'm a cloud architect, Salesforce CTA and developer. As well as my work with Cloud Sundial, I work with Giveclarity.org to plan and deliver Salesforce implementations for some of the world's largest non-profit organisations.

I'm always interested to hear from other organisations using Salesforce and technology for social good - do get in touch if you'd like to connect:






About Michele
Picture of Michele

Artist and Illustrator, I am proudly behind Cloud Sundial and FormulaShare artworks. My work consists of both digital and handmade elements, I enjoy creating playful and textural designs and I’m driven to work with company and projects for good. Have a look at micheledarshad.com and say hello at Micheledarshad@gmail.com