Canvas App Signed Request

Canvas App Signed Request Flow Diagram
  • Signed request flow is offered as an alternative to the canvas app initiating a standard OAuth flow (e.g. user-agent)
  • The advantage over a standard OAuth flow is that a user can log in to the canvas app without needing to consent to sharing scopes, and without the app needing to store and manage a token
  • The Canvas SDK features an implementation of this method which can be used by third party apps
  • The signed request is appended as parameter in the final POST request shown to the canvas. The request consists of a hashed, signed base64 encoded context, and the base64 encoded context itself separated with a period
  • repost() and refreshSignedRequest() Canvas SDK methods allow either the client or server (respectively) to issue or request new tokens on demand, and can be useful after redirects within canvas app, or after OAuth token expiry. The browser-based repost() method is shown in this flow
  • The flow in the optional section here assumes the user is permitted access to the app but doesn't yet have a valid approval. Behaviours in other scenarios are described in the table
This Flow in Context
Diagram with flow in context